Over the last month or so there have been several regional table tennis tournaments. Specifically in June there has been:
Brisbane Representatives have performed well in both of them.
Peter and Ben Lander were both loosing semi-finals in the Open. Not bad for a Father / Son team.
Kelsey Le Maistre got to the loosing semi final in Women’s Open & u1500.
Ben Lander won the u21s. Ben also runner up in the u1800.
Peter Lander won the o40s.
Of the 37 events contested at the Toowoomba Open Brisbane Representatives made more than half of all the winners' circles! Well done!
Open Singles: Runner-Up: Andy Nguyen-Huynh. Losing Semi-Finalists: Ben Lander & Peter Lander
Women's Open Singles: Runner-up: Kelsey Le Maistre
Men’s Open Doubles: Andy Nguyen-Huynh & Daniel O'Neill
Women's Open Doubles: Kelsey Le Maistre (with Rebekah Stanley - Mackay)
Mixed Open Doubles: Andy Nguyen-Huynh &
Kelsey Le Maistre
Under 1700 Rating Singles: Runner-up: Peter Lander
Under 1700 Doubles: Benjamin Lander (Richard Littler - MBTTA) Runner-up: Paul Jones (with Nicholas Armitage -Wynnum)
Under 1500 Singles: Runner-Up Mo Jiyad
Under 1500 Doubles: David Nguyen & John Yoon
Under 1300 Singles: Kelsey Le Maistre Runner-up: Dan O'Neill
Under 1300 Doubles: Kelsey Le Maistre & Daniel O’Neill
Under 1100 Singles: Roy Huynh
Under 1110 Doubles: Runners-Up Nicole Lander & Simon Mills
Under 900 Singles: Runner-up Nicole Lander
Under 900 Doubles: Runners-up Nicole Lander (with Kathy Payne - Toowoomba)
Under 21 Men's Singles: Runner-up Ben Lander