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    BTTA Annual General Meeting

    This Year's AGM

    The Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held:

    TIME: 7pm

    DATE: Thursday 29 September 2022

    LOCATION: Brisbane Table Tennis Centre.



    1)      Receive and consider the Minutes of the previous Annual meeting (29 September 2021).

    2)      the receiving of the Council reports and the statement of income and expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and securities affecting the property of the association for the preceding financial year;

    3)      the receiving of the auditor's report upon the books and accounts for the preceding financial year;

    4)      the election of members of the Council;

    5)      the appointment of an auditor;

    6)      the appointment of a life member of the Association;

    7)      general business

    a)      consideration of a Special Resolution to approve a new constitution for the Association.

    Call us on 07 3357 8992 - 86 Green Terrace, Windsor, 4030, QLD