Table Tennis Fun
This Halloween game that is perfect for Table Tennis players.
Collect a few old white (or even yellow) ping pong balls.
For this exercise the balls can be a bit crushed.
In our house we have way too many discarded table tennis balls.
Use a Sharpie pen to transform them into eyeballs with these easy steps:
In fact, you can have loads of fun just colouring-in the old ping-pong balls with all sorts of cartoons and characters.
Set up a pyramid of plastic cups on the table. Fill each cup up with water.
Add some scaretackular effects with red or green food colouring.
Divvy up the ping pong balls among the players. Allocated a set number of uncrushed and crushed balls to each person.
Players must take it in turns to bounce an ‘eyeball’ (aka the ping pong ball) on the table and try to land it in one of the cups.
Players get one point for each eyeball that lands in the water.
Watch your kiddos have loads of fun trying this out.
The first player to score 20 wins!
SOURCE: Original blog idea from Mas & Pas, check them out for more Halloween game ideas.